Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The biggest blessing of all

Four years ago, my husband and I were blessed with our lovely daughter, Truth. Truth is everything that we ever wanted in a daughter: smart, beautiful, creative, athletic. She quickly became our world. Fast forward two years, and we were once again payed a visit from Heaven, this time in the form of a son, Dixon. Dixon possesses all of the same qualities as his sister, but was born with something a little special, an extra 21st chromosome. In other words, Dixon has Down syndrome, something that would initially shock us; scare us, worry us, but eventually become the biggest blessing of all.
Why am I waiting two years to start blogging about being the mother of a special needs child? Simply because it has taken me this long to grow into, and truly understand the importance of this role. Every day has been a learning experience for me, everyday has presented new challenges, new triumphs, new defeats, but most importantly, new LOVE, and more of it than I will ever know what to do with.
I invite you to join me in the journey. The life of a mother, trying to make the best for my children, through education, experiences, discovery and volunteer opportunities. Trust me, there will be a lot of them! After all, we're all just following someone else's plan.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are blogging again, looking forward to following!!
